Q&A with Phillip Rankmore, Head Brewer, Hong Kong Beer Co

What inspired you to become a brewer?
Phil: I visited the United States when I was a university student and tried craft beer for the first time. I was blown away by how much better craft beer tasted than the commercial beer I had been drinking in Australia. When I returned home, I realised that, on a student’s income, I couldn't afford to drink imported American craft beer, so I decided to make my own. After making some pretty bad beer at first, I persevered and eventually my friends started enjoying the beers I was brewing. I loved that feeling of introducing people to good beer and changing their minds about what beer can taste like, even if it was made in my backyard! That's what inspired me to become a professional brewer.
What is your favourite restaurant in Hong Kong?
Phil: There is so much good food in Hong Kong that it's hard to pick just one favourite restaurant. Cornerstone on Hollywood Road always impresses me with its ever-changing seasonal menu. Whenever I go there, I try something new and I am always blown away by the quality and perfect balance of flavours in each dish, and at a super reasonable price.
What is your favourite hiking trail in Hong Kong?
Phil: While the view over the city from The Peak cannot be overstated, my favourite trail has got to be Dragon's Back. Views over the eastern beaches and Islands are amazing, it's pretty easy to get to, and you can go for a swim at the end.
What do you like to do in Hong Kong on your days off?
Phil: I like to explore all the small alleyways and find new places to eat and drink. There are so many amazing hidden places in Hong Kong, even in my own neighbourhood I am always finding new bars, restaurants and coffee shops. My other favourite thing to do is host a rooftop BBQ with friends. Barbecued meat, good beer, and great company, what more could you ask for?
If you could own any dog in the world, what breed would you choose and why?
Phil: I already have the best dog in the world, his name is Bernie and he's a Jindo-Husky mix that I rescued as a puppy. I love him because he has so much personality and is always happy to see me, even if he is pretty stubborn sometimes.