Q&A with Sheung Man, Brewer (& Avid Hiker), Hong Kong Beer Co

What inspired you to become a brewer?
Sheung Man: I decided to become a professional brewer so I could always drink the freshest beer, of course! I also wanted to learn a new skill.
What are two of your favorite recipes to cook?
Sheung Man: For brewing, I like to make the Belgian Dark Strong Ale. I love its aroma and the estery flavour that comes from working with Belgian yeast strains. I also like to make the British-Style Barley Wine Ale for its balance between warming alcohol and sweet toffee and fruit flavours. In the kitchen, my go to dish is roast chicken and I also like to whip up steamed prawns for the umami sensation of fresh seafood.
What do you like to do in Hong Kong on your days off?
Sheung Man: I enjoy exercising outdoors – anything from hiking trails to discovering new haunts in my neighbourhood. I also like spending quality time with my friends and family.
If you could visit any city in the world, which one would it be and why?
Sheung Man: I would definitely visit Chamonix in France because it is the starting – and ending – point of the Tour du Mont Blanc hiking path. I’ve always wanted to hike the path which passes through France, Italy, and Switzerland, has a distance of approximately 170 kilometres (100 miles), and a total elevation gain of around 10,000 metres (33,000 ft). I would just need to set aside 7 to 9 days – the time it usually takes hikers to complete the trail!